Similar to sleeping beauty, I have now awoken—my prince is nine-month Liam, who has learned how to give kisses. Yes I have a son, and yes it’s been nine months since I last blogged (shall I say some Hail Mary’s?). The bottom line is, I’m back!
A quick recap of the labour and the first nine months:
- Giving birth was horrific: Note to all moms-to-be. If your hospital has an 80 percent epidural rate and delivers more than 10 babies/day, there will be little support for a “natural” labour. Take some Lamaze or hypnotherapy courses, or hire a doula. You won’t regret the cost!
- The first few weeks: Sleepless nights aren’t really that bad. Who really needs sleep? Certainly not your newborn.
- Six-week colic: Three-hour crying bouts led us to “How to have the best baby on the block”. Baby-whisperer guru book that works.
- Nursing: Ah, the pleasure and pain. Was it because I am an older mom that this was so difficult? Three bouts of mastitis; six teeth in five months; seven months of constant attachment and presto it was all done.
Who is that gorgeous happy baby?
At nine-months Liam continues to bring us daily joy. He coos, babbles, laughs with glee, screeches with delight, eats EVERYTHING, crawls, creeps, snores through the night, and loves to be cuddled. Sounds like an older man, I know. We are blessed
As for the rest of our family:
- Our oldest son completed his first year of University with flying colours – horrah!
- Our oldest daughter finished CEGEP (juniour college) and is traveling in Australia – “good on ya mate”!
- Our next oldest daughter aced her first year of CEGEP – rockin’ girl!
- Our youngest daughter will be graduating from high school with honours – way to merk-it!
- My husband recently celebrated is 50th birthday – OMG!
- I have started working (can’t you tell?) and almost fit into my clothes.